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Recreational area Zeumeren in Voorthuizen has a lot to offer: the SchatEiland children's play paradise, outdoor activities at Expedition Zeumeren or speeding across the water at Zeumeren Watersport. If you would rather relax, settle in on one of the vast beaches or enjoy a snack and drink at Beachclub Zeumeren.

The Leisurelands recreational areas are easily accessible for disabled persons. Part of the recreation area has a paved footpath around the lake. Keep in mind that some areas have low fencing around the busy areas (beaches/lounge areas) to keep out cyclists and mopeds.

You can pay a deposit to obtain a key to get past the fence. Please contact us for more information. info@leisurelands.nl.

It's that busy

Average crowd on: Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays
06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 24:00
For more information: Drukteradar
